Oral Paper

         Reproductive Processes

Annual chasmogamous and cleistogamous reproductive contributions in four mixed-breeding violets

Presenting Author
Samuel Lockhart
Plant breeding systems are characterized by the mechanism by which offspring are produced. Endpoints of the continuum of sexual reproduction are represented by outcrossing, where two genetically distinct plants contribute hereditary material to offspring, and selfing, where one organism acts as both pollen and seed parent.  A specialized form of selfing exhibited by many plants is cleistogamy, a mechanically enforced self-pollination strategy involving closed, bud-like flowers. This breeding system contrasts with chasmogamy, which involves open, showy flowers with the potential to cross-pollinate. The plant species that maintain both breeding systems display a chasmogamous/cleistogamous mixed breeding.  Most species of Viola (violets) exhibit the chasmogamous/cleistogamous mixed breeding system; however, many are understudied, and basic life history traits, such as reproductive contributions of floral forms, are not well understood. In addition, the impact of environmental factors, including light, temperature, water availability, and soil characters, on the breeding system has only recently been examined in violets. The present study addresses the previous gaps in knowledge in the taxonomically complex high polyploid stemless blue violet lineage, Viola subsect. Borealiamericanae, in central and southeastern Ohio. To answer these questions, a total of 12 populations of four mixed-breeding stemless blue violets were surveyed for the entirety of their reproductive season in 2022. Total reproduction in flowers, capsules, seeds, and seed viability were recorded for 12 to 15 plants per population. Environmental variables including light level at ground, soil water content, soil temperature, and soil pH, were regularly measured over the course of the growing season. Generalized linear mixed models were applied to analyze the effect of environmental factors on chasmogamous to cleistogamous reproduction. Our analysis found that chasmogamous flowers successfully produced capsules and dispersed seeds only half as often as cleistogamous flowers did across all species. However, we found that chasmogamous to cleistogamous ratio differed widely among species, populations, and individuals within plots.  Further, no environmental characters were found to be significant to these ratios across or within species. We suspect that age or stored nutrients strongly impacts the breeding system of the stemless blue violets.