Oral Paper


The next phase of Angiosperms353: improved targets, mixed DNA, and bioinformatics resources

Presenting Author
Matt Johnson
Angiosperms353 has gained popularity both as informative single copy genes and universal probes for cost-effective target capture in high-throughput sequencing. Wide adoption of the loci by the phylogenetics systematics community provides an opportunity to revisit applications of DNA sequence data for the identification of plant tissues in mixed DNA samples. We describe ongoing efforts to improve Angiosperms353 as a resource for DNA sequencing in flowering plants by 1) using expanded genomic resources to refine the representative sequences for Angiosperms353 target capture, 2) developing new computational resources to support the assembly of Angiosperms353 sequences from mixed DNA sources, and 3) leveraging a large growing reference database of Angiosperms353 sequences from over 10,000 species (maintained by RBG-Kew, treeoflife.kew.org) to identify unknown plant samples. We provide proof of concept of our work flow using targeted sequence from adulterated plant tissue and from soil seed banks.