

Plant biodiversity and marsh migration in the coastal forest area of South Carolina

Presenting Author
Siddhartha Regmi
Coastal forests are under direct threat of drowning due to sea level rise. This causes gradual changes in the vegetation composition in the area, and mortality may also be high. This research aims to collect and analyze the vegetation database that can be used to assess plant biodiversity in the coastal ecotone region to provide baseline information to develop strategies for their preservation and management. Also, this project aims to aware the as much as people through different educational outreach plans. In this project, a systematic plant biodiversity data survey based on a standard design in numerous sample plots along the transects in the Hobcaw Barony, a 7,100- hectare forested area in the coastal area of South Carolina. Herbaceous, Shrubs, and Trees data will be collected in a sample plot of different sizes. The plant species composition, diversity, regeneration, and identification of plant species of ecological conservation value (threatened and endemic) found within this forest will be derived from this survey. Moreover, we will also combine the forest data collected from more than 27 years to model the changes in the forest structure, mortality rates and marsh transgression. Different analytical software like Excel, Arc GIS, R, etc. will be used to analyze and present the data. Social media posts, publications in journals, Brochures, Blogs, Vlogs, etc. will be the final products of the research. Moreover, presentations at conferences and local schools in the coastal area will also be done as an educational outreach.