
         Ecological and Evolutionary Consequences of Genome Size Variation in Plants

Examining How Plant Genome Size Variation and Nutrient Additions Structure Insect Herbivory and Fungal Pathogen Damage Patterns Across an Environmental Gradient

Presenting Author
Hailee Petosky
Environmental nutrient supplies and consumptive interactions between herbivores and pathogens can both individually and jointly affect plant growth, fitness, and competitive responses, thereby drastically shaping community structures. Although genome size (GS) varies widely among angiosperms and recent studies suggest that plant GS can mediate responses to nutrient availability, we lack information on whether and how plant GS and nutrient availability jointly influence plant responses to consumptive interactions. Here, we test the hypothesis that smaller GS plants sustain less damage by herbivores and pathogens because smaller GS plants are thought to be less limited by nutrients and therefore, predicted to be more plastic in their resource investment patterns (i.e., they can invest more resources into processes related to defense and other nutrient-induced tradeoffs compared to their large GS counterparts). Furthermore, we hypothesized that such small GS defense advantages would disappear when nutrients became more plentiful as large GS are no longer nutrient-limited. To examine these hypotheses, we measured damage by herbivores and pathogens, traits thought to broadly influence damage, and GS of 121 grasses and forbs spanning 86 genera. All data was collected from 8 sites spanning a north-south gradient in the Midwest in which nutrients have been added in a factorial design (NutNet;; Specifically at each site we collected data from 120 plants spread evenly across plots with no nutrients (C), nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), or NP-added. Preliminary analysis shows that larger GS plants and plants in NP plots sustained more total insect damage, but the patterns depended upon each other. Interestingly, larger GS plants experienced the least damage in NP-added plots but the most damage in N-added plots. Furthermore, while larger GS plants also generally experienced more fungal damage, in contrast plants in control plots received the most fungal damage with smaller GS plants being most damaged. Both herbivore and fungal damage patterns varied among sites. Subsequent analyses will incorporate environmental variables (mean annual temperature and precipitation, and seasonality), phylogenetic history, lifeform, lifespan, and local provenance data to see how these factors also influence damage patterns of plants with different GS under varying nutrient supplies. In conclusion, testing these relationships will provide invaluable insight into how plant GS variation plays a key role in influencing plant responses to consumptive interactions and environmental variables across a range of climatic conditions.